sonoma county.png free violin lessons contact event pricing axel moore-mccabe high quality violining at a low price years of experience in many genres i've been playing the violin for ten years, since i was eight. along the way, i've played many concerts as part of six different ensembles of various sizes, in addition to performing solo work. i've also done street performance downtown and in various malls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam varius lacinia est quis faucibus. Curabitur imperdiet, erat vitae aliquam vehicula, tortor libero tempor felis, ut elementum nunc nulla eget turpis. green violin

Axel Moore-McCabe

High-Quality Violining
at a
Low Price

Years of Experience

    I've been playing the violin for ten years,
since I was eight. Along the way, I've played many concerts as part of six different ensembles of various sizes, in addition to performing solo
work. I've also done street performance
downtown and in various malls.